Monday 23 September 2013


  Doppelganger Logo, created in Photoshop - to be re-worked as a vector graphic in Illustrator.  The client requested a lighter coloured shade for the writing, to correspond with the tones used on the website.


Photoshop Image. I also created a programme for the production. The play tells the story of the late Miles Trehern: a model citizen who has been beaten to death by a gang of youths one afternoon.  It explores the truth behind his supposedly idealistic existence and exposes a contrarily bitter, frustrated individual.

More posters are in the pipeline...


Commissioned by Doppelganger Productions.  Photoshop/ Indesign Document.  I also performed in this play, enacting the part of Carolyn. :-)

Saturday 27 July 2013

Tuesday 28 May 2013

W.T.S.O.A. Leaflet

Final approved leaflet for 'With The Spirit Of Audrey'...although I've yet to do finalise logos for 3G and  Doppelgänger, so amended versions will follow within a few weeks.

Five Go Killing Posters - Upcoming Events

Posters for free event at BU Festival Of Learning, and Shows at the Winchester

Wednesday 22 May 2013


The first draft for the front and back cover.  Colour and fonts are set to vary.

Tuesday 21 May 2013


My final edition of 'BEDROOM FARCE', as well as a quick poster which was done as a favour to my good friend, Simon:

Thursday 16 May 2013

BEDROOM FARCE Poster Artwork

My latest commission, from Dramatic Productions.  It's all about the promotional art at the moment!  I tried the 'BEDROOM FARCE' writing in a few different fonts, but 'noteworthy' that was my favourite.

Tuesday 14 May 2013


Just a couple of hours spent on Photoshop today.  Things are speeding up, Jimmy!  This image will hopefully be approved for use on the party invite of the Show 'With the Spirit of Audrey'.

Monday 13 May 2013


Multiple versions, trying to work out the best layout/font/ information for presentation.  For now Laura, the Director,

has decided to go with the very last one.

Pictures with a purpose

Here I've experimented with professional/commercial example versions of the poster and diary art.

Thursday 9 May 2013


Commissioned by 'Doppleganger Productions', to promote John Foster's wonderfully disturbing stage play about a young homicidal gang in Bournemouth... Their victims: OAPs!  The ring leader, Joely, describes the highs and lows of 'The Famous Five' serial killings through a chillingly unrepentant monologue.

Thursday 25 April 2013


This is as far as I'm taking her :-)  I'm satisfied enough for a first proper photoshop painting. On to the next one! (Any comments/suggestions for future improvements are very welcome!)

Thursday 11 April 2013


Just thought I'd post this WIP
, whilst I'm online.  I suppose it's my first serious digital painting, spending time getting to grips with Photoshop.  I'm struggling with it today - inspiration and concentration tend to kick in at midnight.  Dribs and drabs... Think I'll leave it till this evening...maybe pick up a pencil and paper and sketch something out - old school!

Get the Ball Rolling

New blog!  This will be the base for all my artwork - professional and unprofessional alike. I found carbonmade doesn't present my work in much detail, which is no good to man or beast - and especially no good to me!  I recently graduated from AUCB in Bournemouth (now the AUB) and am working on my portfolio, searching for my next adventure.

I'll start by posting some recent artistic endeavours. Voila!

Art Deco Lady (I call her Sheba) was done in a sort of imitation of the cards and the things you see at christmas, birthdays, etc.  Could paste 2014 on the front and print it off as a diary?  It's a bit more graphic artsy than my usual work.